Laboratoire d’Etude et de Recherche sur l’Economie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux

LEVY Rachel

LEVY Rachel

Maître de conférences en sciences économiques
ENSFEA de Toulouse

Download my CV (in English).

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Bureau : MD 429
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{Domaines de recherche}

My research in territorial economics is focused on the collective and territorialized process of knowledge and innovation production. Rooted in the theoretical framework of evolutionary geographic economics of innovation, my research employs diverse methodologies applied to different sectors and territorial analysis frameworks. Recently, my research focus on the role of educational institutions in facilitating collective knowledge production for agroecological transition.

{Projets de recherche}
  • 2022-2027 : coordination of the project TFC (Communities based Transitions) financed by INRAe and Occitanie Region (390 000€ for 5 years). Objective : This project aims to build an
    interdisciplinary conceptual framework about communities-based transition. Activities within the project : coordination of the whole project, coordination of a work package on the dynamics between communities, individuals and territories, PhD supervision and project in Israel on the case of rural communities in Israel. More information about the project :
  • 2021-2026 : Collaboration in coordinating the Octaave Key-Challenge (OCcitanie - Agricultural and Food System Transitions Towards Agroecology) financed by Occitanie Region. Objective : build an interdisciplinary network of researchers working on agricultural and food transitions in Occitanie
    region. Activities within the project : participation to the steering comity of this network : More information about this project :
  • 2022-2024 : Coordination of a work package in the PAACTE project ("Revitalizing the wool sector in Occitanie : pastoral economy, wool resources, and local textile activities") funded by the Occitanie Region. This interdisciplinary project aims to diagnose the initial forms of resilience in the pastoral sector in Occitanie. Activities within the project : coordination of a work package on "territorial development and new forms of pastoral economy - pastoral sector" and supervision of a post-doc
    More information about this project :
  • 2022-2023 : Participation in the FFASE project ("Supporting the implementation of agroecology trainer training programs based on the mobilization of endogenous knowledge"). This project aims to map the endogenous knowledge present in territories in France and West Africa, and to implement a training engineering approach to support an agroecological transition process based on the mobilization of endogenous knowledge. Activities within the project : coordination of
    master’s internship and building of the Internet website. More information about this project :