Laboratoire d’Etude et de Recherche sur l’Economie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux


jeudi 19 décembre

Idaly Kamara soutient sa thèse : "Formation professionnelle, insertion sur le marché du travail et accès à un emploi décent : quelles relations ?"

Le 19 Décembre 2024 à 15h00 à Thiès (Sénégal), Idaly KAMARA soutiendra sa thèse, effectuée en cotutelle avec l’Université Iba Der Thiam de Thiès sous la direction de Jean Pierre Del Corso et d’Ibrahima Thiam, et intitulée :

Formation professionnelle, insertion sur le marché du travail et accès à un emploi décent : quelles relations ? Un essai d’évaluation multidimensionnelle de la performance des systèmes de formation au Sénégal.

Le jury de soutenance sera ainsi composé :

Amélie BOURCERET, MCF, IAM, examinatrice
Jean-Pierre DEL CORSO, Pr. ENSFEA, co-directeur de la thèse
Latif DRAMANI, Pr. Université Iba Der Thiam de Thiès (UIDT), examinateur
François-Seck FALL, Pr. Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, examinateur
Fatou Diop SALL, Pr. Université Cheikh Anta DIOP de Dakar (UCAD), présidente du Jury
Gervasio SEMEDO, MCF HDR, Université de Tours, rapporteur de la thèse
Ibrahima THIAM, Pr. Université Iba Der Thiam de Thiès (UIDT), co-directeur de la thèse
Awa TRAORE, Pr. Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD), rapporteuse de la thèse

The purpose of the research is to examine the capacity of the vocational training system in Senegal to prepare the youth of the country to integrate the labor market by occupying a decent job. The demographic growth recorded in this country and the resulting pressure on the labor market due to its difficulties in absorbing a growing flow of young people constitute the backdrop to the reflection conducted. The observation made is that of a youth who struggles to find a job and, and furthermore faces a lack of alternative, is often led to occupy precarious jobs in the informal economy sector. Based on this observation, the research focuses on the multiple reforms of the vocational training system undertaken in recent years by the Senegalese public authorities to meet this demographic challenge and strengthen the employability of young people through a better match between the training offered by the national qualification system and the real needs of the economy. Attention is paid in particular to the latest reform introduced in 2015 which promotes and experiments Public Private Partnership (PPP) as an alternative management model to the public management model of vocational training which is still in force. The analysis, however, highlights that if the Senegalese public authorities assume the superiority of the PPP management model over the public management model of vocational training centres, no ex ante nor ex post study has yet been carried out to corroborate scientifically this choice. The research aims to partially fill this gap. It proposes to compare the overall performances of the two organizational modes of vocational training in presence. To do this, it uses an original method of multidimensional evaluation based on a battery of indicators for measuring effectiveness, efficiency and equity. These indicators are based on a triple theoretical anchor : cost-benefit analysis, transaction cost theory and the theory of justice. The method is applied to a composite material (social data on 2,547 graduates of vocational training centers, contractual documents, qualitative interviews with graduates) collected from six vocational training institutions, including three under public management and three under PPP management. The results show that while PPP-managed institutions are generally more effective and efficient than publicly managed institutions, they are less so in terms of equity due to their greater selectivity at entry and the financial resources required to pursue education there. For both models, it is emphasized that the specific skills needs of the informal economy often remain ignored in the vocational training offered, thus exposing some graduates to significant risks of occupying underqualified and indecent jobs.

Keywords : Senegal, vocational training, integration into the labor market, decent employment, multidimensional performance assessment