Sujet : An Economic and Energy Approach Analysis for Ecodesign in Information Technology Industry – Case Studied in Chongqing City, China », co-tutelle avec l’Université de Chongqing/Département de Power Engeneering.
Discipline : Aménagement Géographie
Date de soutenance : 19/06/2013
Directeur de thèse : M. PUEL Gilles, Pr Liu Chao
Composition du jury :
Mme Valérie Fernandez, Professeur, Telecom Paris Tech, Membre du jury
M. Loic Grasland, Professeur des Universités (Université d’Avignon), Rapporteur du jury
M. Chao Liu, Professeur des Universités, Université de Chongqink, codirecteur de rechreches
M. Gilles Puel, Maitre de conférences, Université de Toulouse II, Directeur de recherches
M. Shuangying Wu, Professeur des Universités, Université de Chongqink, membre du jury
M. Hualing Zhang, Professeur Associé, Université de Chongqink, membre du jury
Résumé :
CT industry meets great expansion in China, in production as in diffusion. The derived environmental impact becomes an increasing key issue for Chinese relevant social planner. One question in front of the government is how efficient the regulation system is and how to measure this efficiency.
The analysis of the efficiency of the environmental legislative measures about the issue of ICT industry’s environmental impact is deployed in the macroscopical view in our research, and devised into three dimensions : ICT industry’s development in China and in Chongqing along with the environmental impact estimation derived from it ; function of China’s administrative system concerning ICT industry’s environmental problems and the trend of policy-making in China ; ICT manufacturers attitudes and actions about environmental measures.
As China has a vast territory with centralization of power on a grand scale, we are interested to introduce the geographical factor through the three studies. The other factor we take into account is the classical tool for ICT industry’s environmental analysis, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The two factors are combined together to support this research.
In our study, we find that the geographically unbalanced ICT industry development in China together with inconsistent environmental balance according to categories of ICT products contribute the conflict to a certain extent with national legislative measures without regarding the geographical factor for policy-making. Furthermore, the inconsistency of policy-making about this issue exists between involved different social planners. Moreover, for some environmental measures, manufactures’ attitudes and actions are also influenced by geographical factor and economical force.
Briefly, from the legislative measures’ analysis, it’s evident that social planner does not consider the fact that ICT industry’s environmental impact in China is not proportionally distributed among different regions, and manufactures’ environmental strategy reflects also the geographical shadow. This contributes implicit inefficiency of China’s environmental policy-making about ICT industry’s environmental problems for the past, for today and prominently for tomorrow