L’Atelier méthodologique HESS (histoire-économie-sciences sociales) est une manifestation scientifique regroupant les historiens-économistes actifs sur le site toulousain et co-organisée par UT2 (FRAMESPA), IAE (CRM), IAST (ARQADE) et IEP (LEREPS).
Séance avec Elise Huillery (SciencesPo Paris), co-organisée avec Stefano Ugolini (chercheur au lereps)
26 mai 2016 - 14h à 17h - salle 49 - IEP de Toulouse
“Who Bore the Cost of French Colonies ? Comparative Analysis of Public Transfers between France and its Colonies” (joint with Denis Cogneau and Sandrine Mesple-Somps).
Abstract : This paper gives evidence on the importance of public transfers between France and its colonies both for French and for African taxpayers : was colonization costly for France ? To what extend did French taxpayers contribute to colonies’ development ? To answer these questions, we use original public finance data on most important French colonies : French Equatorial Africa, French West Africa, Indochina, Madagascar, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. We adopt a comparative analysis to explore whether France adopted the same colonization model in all territories, or whether some colonies costed more and received more than others.